A New Year Commitment

The first of the year is a great time to commit yourself to faithful Bible reading and study. There are many Bible reading schedules to choose from. The simplest is to read three chapters every weekday and five on weekend days. Robert Murray M‘Cheyne in December 1842 published a schedule of about four chapters a day, two for family reading and two for private or ‘secret’ devotional reading.

Here is a verse to put words to that commitment. It sings well to the tune of “I Am Resolved“.

I am resolved to read through the Bible,
Living each day therein;
Learning the truth God has for me daily,
Keeping my heart from sin.

I will read it daily,
Loving to learn God’s will;
Let it satisfy me,
With it my spirit fill.

Reading the Bible through

If you spend a little time reading your Bible each day, you can easily read it through in one year. There are many schedules you can follow. One good one that goes directly from Genesis in January to Revelation in December can be found at http://www.ewordtoday.com/year/kjv/bjan01.htm.  If you don’t have a reading schedule now, please don’t wait until January to start; rather, start now. If you like, start at the beginning of the next book on the schedule, and you will do just fine.