Reading the Bible through

If you spend a little time reading your Bible each day, you can easily read it through in one year. There are many schedules you can follow. One good one that goes directly from Genesis in January to Revelation in December can be found at  If you don’t have a reading schedule now, please don’t wait until January to start; rather, start now. If you like, start at the beginning of the next book on the schedule, and you will do just fine.

Sunday School studies Genesis

Our Sunday School, which is for all ages, is currently studying the book of Genesis. Genesis is ‘beginnings’. Yes, the beginning of the world, of humanity, but also of most or all of the Christian teachings that are further explained throughout the rest of the Bible. We have just finished the first eleven chapters, and are about to embark on the study of Abraham’s life. “He looked for a city, which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” Hebrews 11:10.

El Camino Bíblico al Cielo

1) Reconoce Tu Condicion
Por cuanto todos pecaron, y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios (Romanos 3:23). Nadie es lo suficiente bueno para ir al cielo por sus propios meritos.

2) Reconoce Que Hay Un Castigo Por El Pecado
Porque la paga del pecado es muerte… (Romanos 6:23). Así como hay recompensa por hacer el bien, también hay castigo por hacer el mal. El castigo por nuestro pecado es muerte eterna en un lugar llamado infierno.

3) Cree Que Cristo Murio Por Ti
Mas Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que siendo aun pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros (Romanos 5:8). El gran amor de Cristo fue mostrado cuando El murió en la cruz para pagar la deuda de nuestro pecado.

4) Acepta A Cristo Como Tu Salvador
…mas la dadiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesus Señor nuestro (Romanos 6:23b). Porque todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo (Romanos 10:13). Vida eterna es un regalo comprado por la sangre de Jesús que El ofrece gratuitamente a aquellos que le invocan por fe.

Permítanos ayudarle a decir una oración.
(Tome en cuenta que no son solo palabras lo que salva, sino su fe en Cristo Jesús.)
“Señor Jesús, Yo se que soy pecador, perdona mis pecados. Jesús, entra en mi corazón y salva mi alma del infierno. Confió in ti, y solo en ti, de que me llevaras al cielo cuando muera. Gracias por Salvarme, Señor Jesûs. Amen”


We believe the whole Bible, from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, is the verbally inspired and infallible Word of God. II Timothy 3:16-17, II Peter 1:19-21

We believe Jesus Christ was born of Mary, the virgin, and is the Son of God and God the Son. Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25

We believe Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, the Just for the unjust that He might bring us to God. Isaiah 53:11, Romans 5:9-11, I Peter 3:18

We believe Christ arose from the dead the third day according to the Scriptures. Matthew 28:6-7, I Corinthians 15:3-4

We believe Christ only is the Great High Priest, and we do not need the intercession of any man, but Christ ever lives to intercede for us. Hebrews 7:25, I Timothy 2:5

We believe Christ will come again in Person, bodily and visibly, first for His church, and seven years later in great power and righteousness with His saints to reign over the earth. Acts 1:11, I Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 19:11-16

We believe man’s salvation is by grace alone, the unmerited gift of God. It is by trusting in the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ for our sins. Ephesians 2:8-9, John 1:12, John 3:16, I Peter 2:24

We believe that every born again believer should be baptized (immersed in water), which pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and is an act of obedience to Christ, but has no part in our salvation. Matthew 28:19, Acts 8:35-39, Luke 23:40-43

We believe born again believers receive eternal life and can never lose their salvation, but are kept by the power of God. John 10:27-29, Romans 8:35-39, I Peter 1:5, Jude 24


We are a Fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist Church. We seek with our music, teaching and preaching to bring honor to the Lord Jesus, encouragement to believers, and the message of the good news of salvation to everyone.